Vin Diesel and his buddies look great, flex their muscles, and drive fast cars. But critics of Fast-X complain that there’s no story…
Tag: sam chan
Did you know they almost ran out of pink paint making the Barbie movie? That’s because things had to look really fake.
As humans there’ll always be an “us” and a “them”. But Jesus says to love everyone. Especially those who don’t ‘nod’ back!
Right now everyone is cancelling everyone. Sam Chan takes a look at what Jesus thinks about cancel culture.
Ted Lasso episodes have become bloated. Episodes are now 60 minutes long. There’s more drama and less comedy. And everyone has daddy issues.
Why do we have allergies? Because our body’s own immune system is attacking itself. Sometimes we do that to ourselves emotionally, too.
The problem with these numbers is that it never feels like I’m doing enough! Not eating or sleeping enough. Not doing enough steps…
A motorbike is all about danger; a scooter is about being chill. Jesus is both danger and chill at the same time, writes Sam Chan.
Did you know that you don’t necessarily have to wait 30 minutes after lunch before you swim? It’s not as dangerous as we all thought…
We shouldn’t pretend that our lives are in order. Jesus doesn’t want us to clean up – only to fail over and over again. Sam Chan reflects.