One of the most impacting discoveries I made was that the trials of life can release our greatest gifts into the world when we marry them with our talents.
Tag: sheridan voysey
John Smith, legendary Australian minister, commentator, activist and founder of the God’s Squad Motorcycle Club has died after a long battle with cancer.
Some have mantras, others, a word for the year. In an effort to create a guiding statement of what means most to him in life, Voysey wrote The Creed.
I first met Malcolm Duncan a few years ago at a conference we were both speaking at. His confidence on stage was astounding given his background.
According to the experts, writing in a journal can help you reduce stress, increase creativity, solve problems, and manage conflict.
35 of the best fiction, non fiction, and faith-based books that you should check out (and a few that you probably shouldn’t!).
‘Trolls’ use the distance and anonymity of the online world to say abusive things that they wouldn’t otherwise say to your face.
We’re in a time of important change. Stands need to be taken. But when history looks back may it also be said that we took a stand for civility too.
With International Men’s Day just passed, perhaps breaking this taboo will be the next stage of progress in men’s health.
In this secular age it could almost be considered social and professional suicide. So why believe in Christianity at all?