So many people talk about focusing on your strengths – but identifying a weakness and working on it, is also a huge key to success.
Tag: self improvement
If you are always thinking about ‘not having enough’ or what is ‘going wrong’ – you are just asking for more of the same, writes Rachel Reva.
Self-care is not about a recreational activity. It’s about good stewardship of the resources that we have, writes Valerie Ling.
Three tips from an entrepreneur that will help you, whether you are in a 9-5 job, or starting up your own business.
We shouldn’t pretend that our lives are in order. Jesus doesn’t want us to clean up – only to fail over and over again. Sam Chan reflects.
To be still in this culture can mean allowing your email count to tick back from ‘0’ to ‘1’ without fret, writes Tim Yearsley.
What if it’s a new year but it feels like the very same old you? It happens more than we talk about, writes Lorrene McClymont.
The idea of digital rest is gaining popularity. Rather than being eaten alive by tech, or going entirely off-grid, we should find a balance.
We can build a more flexible mindset if we hold to our ‘Option A’, or our ideals and dreams, very, very loosely.
Jesus can make a difference to the way we face and work with anxiety, writes faith and culture blogger Brian Harris.