As the day closed I looked on as those around me returned home; mothers, tradesmen, students, businessmen and grandmas. All with their own lives.
Tag: relationships
“We haven’t got everything right,” I said, “But our church community has been amazing at helping people and being a family.”
I was holding out for something external to happen to me to give me permission to change. I didn’t even realise that this was an expectation that I had.
Offence can be like a poison that seeps into your relationships with friends and family, and even cloud the lens through which you view the world.
Have you ever found yourself dissatisfied with your own life after looking at the person’s next to you?
Your dining table is far more than simply wood, varnish and nails. Laughter, tears, celebration, reconciliation – what rich memories does your table hold?
When we take an honest look at the life of Jesus, what do we see? Do we see a detached, impersonal Messiah who opposed being seen with sinners and tax collectors? Or do we see the most compassionate example of leadership ever modelled.
Every day around the world six billion cups of tea are drunk. But it’s who we share our tea with that makes it meaningful.
Every choice has a consequence, like a pebble in a pond. Each word has a ripple effect that builds others up or tears them down. Each action has an aftermath that draws us closer to our spouse, or creates a chasm that divides.
Mark and Jill Savage open up about their own imperfect marriage — how they’ve tried to change each other and struggled with emotional intimacy.