Tag: relationships

Do People Matter?

As the day closed I looked on as those around me returned home; mothers, tradesmen, students, businessmen and grandmas. All with their own lives.

woman sitting at coffee table with half finished cake on table looking out the window

What Are You Holding Out For?

I was holding out for something external to happen to me to give me permission to change. I didn’t even realise that this was an expectation that I had.

Grumpy bull dog laying on the carpet

The Antidote to Offence

Offence can be like a poison that seeps into your relationships with friends and family, and even cloud the lens through which you view the world.


Jesus as a Blueprint for Thriving Relationships

When we take an honest look at the life of Jesus, what do we see? Do we see a detached, impersonal Messiah who opposed being seen with sinners and tax collectors? Or do we see the most compassionate example of leadership ever modelled.


Happily Ever After is a Choice

Every choice has a consequence, like a pebble in a pond. Each word has a ripple effect that builds others up or tears them down. Each action has an aftermath that draws us closer to our spouse, or creates a chasm that divides.

imperfect marriage

Embracing an Imperfect Marriage

Mark and Jill Savage open up about their own imperfect marriage — how they’ve tried to change each other and struggled with emotional intimacy.