Six words dropped into my mind as if from heaven: “Go at the speed of joy”. I’ve been trying to put them into practice ever since.
Tag: happiness
Experts say we need to get serious about having fun. But writer Caroline Spencer asks if we’re missing something that is even better.
Despite the challenges presented in 2020, 85% of Australians say that they are happy when they think about their life overall.
Every person who’s ever been born into this world has pursued happiness, but not all have found it. Here’s the secret according to Jesus.
According to new research from the University of Derby and the National Trust, people who stop to notice nature experience higher levels of happiness.
We have more stuff, but we’re less satisfied. More facebook friends, but less genuine ones. More “success”, yet more discontentment with our “real” life.
It’s somehow strange that we should have to exercise discipline and self-control to do the things that make us feel most alive but sadly it’s true.
After 50, our happiness – according to research – starts to climb again. So, if you’re 50 or younger, one way or another, happy days really are ahead.