Think they are? Well if we deal with the problems that are noisiest and right in front of us, we might actually miss the important ones.
Tag: duncan robinson
In both of these, the Good King can be celebrated. In both the gift and the dirt cup, we can point to the goodness that comes from the Good King.
As I stood in the stall humming along to “Holy Spirit”, I heard the stall next to me quickly flush and the gentleman rapidly exit.
Without a doubt, we can make a case based on scripture that trials and troubles will come upon us in life. And grief is okay.
If there is an awkward feeling that everything is not well, perhaps it’s time to stop, reflect, assess the calling and move into a new one.
If these were the only two goals I had in my life, and I achieved them, I will have succeeded.
What if you were to live by one simple idea, wherever you’re at in life: to find joy and do good all the days of your life.
Something unusual and funny happened a couple of weeks ago: I made a new friend. It’s not something I anticipated happening.