Though poverty is around the world and bears many forms, you don’t often have an opportunity to discover the humanity trapped within it.
Tag: compassion
Compassion Week 2019 commences on October 20 with seven days of compelling programs featuring wonderful people and an incredible God.
The storms are coming. The weather might get pretty wild but I’ll just stay inside. I wonder what it might be like for people who don’t have that option.
My assumed belief is that, at some point, people always get tired of me… I’ve realised lately I assume the same of God.
If we are ever unsure whether to decide to show mercy to someone, or to judge them, it’s best to always err on the side of mercy.
14-year-old Adul (pronounced Adun) attends a Compassion child development project based at Maesai Grace Church, which has been supporting him since the age of seven.
If you’re a youth worker, expect to face compassion fatigue sometime. Keep it at bay…