In community we discover more of who we are created to be. We’re created to live in community. Jesus lived this out.
Tag: community
“Wesley Mission has given me back trust,” says Martin, a recipient of housing through Wesley Mission’s Homeless Services.
The Little BIG Foundation aims to tackle loneliness in Australia by developing places, programs and events for social connection.
Businesses, organisations and charities can play a huge role in creating healthy spaces for people to find community.
Some people sit in that space where they are neither insider nor outsider. And it’s okay. There are so many benefits of being in this space.
There was a time when kids could play out in the street a lot later. Can we rebuild that society again?
Did you know that the key figures in the Bible, could only do what they did by relying on the community around them?
There is a community that is striving to see the love of Jesus change hostile debates into meaningful discussions.
Getting to know new people can be daunting at first, but Ben Hannant encourages us to start simple: “All you have to do is say hello.”
Women need to join forces to support each other in the multiple roles we face as mother, daughter, wife, employee, nurse and schedule-holder.