Many Christian denominations have upheld standards of “perfection” that create a fundamental misunderstanding of the gospel message.
Tag: christianity
“Rates of domestic abuse in the church community are about the same as in the broader community,” Anglicare’s Lynda Dunstan says.
The God who comes to you is not the God whom many people know. They mainly know the God to whom they have to come, writes Eliezer Gonzalez.
Realising how unhealthy her approach to food had become, Erin Davis began to wonder what the Bible had to say about food.
Vacuuming is boring. It’s indoors. But mowing the lawn is exciting. It’s outdoors. There’s danger! Context is everything.
We don’t need to tailor the gospel message to make it more acceptable to the modern progressive mind, writes Stephen McAlpine.
In the Bible, Jesus says sin is being confident of your own righteousness and looking down on others is a sin. Does that make coffee snobbery, sinful?
When a Jewish thought-leader is championing the cause of Christianity, you know there’s got to be good reason. John Anderson catches up with Dennis Prager.
Chris Cipollone, an author and speaker specialising in mental health, would like people to see that faith has something powerful to say for mental health.
Quiet quitting the Christian life is when people bear no fruit because of ‘the cares of the world’… or as we might put it today, “everyday life”.