Dr Rudolf Myhovych, Head of Christian Medical Fellowship of Ukraine, believes it’s a miracle Ukrainians are still standing strong.
Tag: articles
Some biblical strategies to help you navigate the cost of living crisis and find financial stability in alignment with your faith.
Observing social change helps us to make informed predictions about the trends set to shape the year ahead.
There are three main types of boundaries—porous, rigid, and healthy. Which one you naturally gravitate towards?
Prince William will take on more duties, and Prince Harry has travelled to London, after the devastating diagnosis.
With a touch of ‘Romancing the Stone’ & a dash of ‘The Lost City’, writer-director Matthew Vaughn may have unmasked his newest spy franchise.
Pointing to the building blocks of Genesis, Kara Martin encourages us to recognise God as our maker and what he created us to participate in.
I don’t think it’s encouraging for church members to keep on reading on socials what a poor job they are doing.
With just a little planning, it’s not hard to create a relaxed and romantic Valentine’s Day movie night at home.
As a psychologist, I have to say that a huge chunk of my time is actually spent helping clients learn to be less perfect.