Our panel of experts discusses how community and connection, both in-person and online, contributes to the wellbeing of young people.
Tag: articles
If love is as strong as death, then the love of Jesus is far, far stronger than death, writes Eliezer Gonzalez.
Nostalgia is the biggest thing the Ghostbusters franchise has going for it, but how long will audiences return for more of the same?
Easter eggs, Lent, Good Friday, hot cross buns… you may be surprised to know the origins of your favourite Easter tradition!
“I had an encounter with Jesus, and it’s brought me so much closer to Him. I just know everything does work together for good.”
Ah, Easter. It’s the logic of love demonstrated in sacrifice. ‘We know what real love is because Christ gave up his life for us.’
While we’ve seen improvements, Christian culture tends to see mental illness as a character issue, says psychologist Valerie Ling.
For some, Easter is the most important faith-centred time of their year, and for others, it’s another chance to relax over a long weekend.
The Australian charities sector is diverse and comprises a range of sectors. The biggest proportion are religious charities…
Did you know that the key figures in the Bible, could only do what they did by relying on the community around them?