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Tag: articles
National Reconciliation Week started in 1993, when a national prayer movement called the Week of Prayer for Reconciliation was started.
Why do so many people engage in destructive behaviours, while healthy habits are quietly ignored? “Because success is a lagging indicator.”
Just like Vegemite, the rest of the world may find us unlovable… but Jesus loves us. Because we belong to him.
If you suspect that your child is being cyberbullied, here are some ways to support them – starting with reacting in a calm manner.
Unsung Hero follows the story of the Aussie-born Smallbone family, as they lose everything and start over in Nashville, Tennessee.
The ‘Gather My Crew’ app is a fantastic way to rally around friends and family who are going through something difficult.
I was so close to buying Taylor Swift tickets – until I forgot my password. We missed out because I forgot one piece of information.
Relationship rituals are about creating moments that hold significance, strengthening the bond between you and your partner.
No wonder they weren’t prepared to listen to what Jesus said about the Cross. Because it was the way of humble self-denial…