Worry can seem constructive, but often it actually exacerbates anxiety and makes us feel even more out of control.
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Social media and smart devices are affecting our mental health and our brains. Here are some considerations to help you use technology well.
TikToker Jerome from TGF says he is only a “gateway” to the Main Event – your own personal relationship with God.
The value of the perfume and the jar was more than a year’s wages. But she didn’t care. She broke it to pour the perfume on Christ’s head.
Businesses, organisations and charities can play a huge role in creating healthy spaces for people to find community.
I don’t believe in the one, but I do believe in God’s best for you: someone that aligns with your values and connects with your heart.
This year, Katherine made history as Australia’s first female astronaut and the first astronaut to train under the Australian flag.
Brian Harris shares his “public agonising about a very much ‘in progress’ journey” towards radical honesty.
Ageing. Some of us fight it, but ultimately the war is unwinnable. How can we become less afraid of something that is inevitable?
Beverly Hills Cop Axel F will give Murphy fans one of their favourite characters from his filmography doing what he does best.