Any full life has its winters. It certainly isn’t non stop, full steam ahead productivity. So is it possible to flourish in winter?
Tag: Adversity
Problems are part of life, aren’t they – so why run away from them? Why unfriend problems? Brian Harris writes
Next time you’re facing a tough time, or perhaps you’re facing one now, Jesus has promised to be with you. There really are treasures in the darkness.
You know that feeling. You are sailing along with life, something happens that is not your choice and you think, “How did I get here?”
Rejection is an experience all of us will go through at times. Eliezer Gonzalez shares some suggestions that will help you to handle rejection.
Life is always messy in the middle, and sometimes we have to walk through chaos before the big picture becomes obvious, writes Lorrene McClymont.
Hard things scare us because they take effort. But although we may not see it at the time, the Lord can always bring beauty out of the hard times.