8 simple yet effective techniques that we can all put into practise, to worry less and experience more peace.
These yummy healthy bite size bliss balls, really do taste like strawberry shortcake. Now you can have your cake and eat it too!
Have you ever found yourself dissatisfied with your own life after looking at the person’s next to you?
This healthy peanut free satay sauce is delicious served warm with satay chicken skewers, or chilled and served as a dipping sauce for raw vegetables.
I decided that I would stay off Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for a month and it was glorious.
This is the perfect replacement for a soft cheese, it’s spreadable, full of flavour and is versatile in use as a dip, on toast and on pizza.
I first met Malcolm Duncan a few years ago at a conference we were both speaking at. His confidence on stage was astounding given his background.
We have more stuff, but we’re less satisfied. More facebook friends, but less genuine ones. More “success”, yet more discontentment with our “real” life.
A quick and easy dessert for busy people, this delightfully rich chocolate mousse only takes 10 minutes to make!
“We’ve found it doesn’t really matter what the claim is about, as long as there is a related photograph with it, it will nudge people toward believing it”.