Where would we be without books? What wonder and wisdom we’d miss out on, what delight we’d forfeit. Here’s this year’s edition of my Best Books list.
Over the last forty years or so, school leavers have been encouraged toward university education. But this bias has got to change…
Christmas is almost upon us and in the midst of all of the preparations it is our usual practise to turn our thoughts toward giving.
You’ve had the same conversation a thousand times. You meet up with someone who asks how you’ve been and you answer by telling them … ‘busy’.
It take focus and determination with the seemingly small steps until one day you look back and you see you have actually changed the course you were on!
If someone you know battles an addiction, it’s probably covering up some deep-seated wound or emotional pain they don’t know how to face.
What is it about retirement that we feel we have all the time in the world to think about it, but go into a mad panic when we reach our 50th birthday?
I get that I’m a human who’s imperfect, but it’s so tempting when my mistakes confront me to see myself as a person who just always falls short.
Harvard Educated Federal Labor MP Andrew Leigh believes Australia could do with more churches. He believes churches are good for society. And yet Leigh is an Atheist.
Do you ever wish you could spend more time in the Word, but you’re just so busy taking care of your family that you don’t know how you possibly can?