Today I want to challenge you to go a little further for Jesus. We can take courage from looking at how far he went for us.
Christian Teaching
Many of us may hate doing laundry, but we do it – because deep down, we know that doing the laundry is purposeful…
Why not mull over these images – the Lord my shield, my sleep, my security, my deliverer? Perhaps they will ring true for you this week.
I don’t mean to sound too sombre, but planning for death, its inevitability and inexorable pull towards our grave, is not a bad thing.
Your friends don’t need another world-changing evangelist, they need you—and talking to them about Jesus is easier than you might think.
When we feel successful, healthy, and loved, we believe that God loves us. But when we like a failure, we often believe God has abandoned us.
Christian author Brian Rosner’s caricature of the Lord’s Prayer, sums up our culture’s obsession with Authenticity.
Listening to the Holy Spirit can seem like a weird concept. How exactly does it work? How do I know if it is Him or just my own mind talking?
The world is discipling us, not on the basis of intellectual argument, but at a deeply subterranean emotional level, writes Stephen McAlpine.
US journalist Katelyn Beaty reflects on the Christian celebrity culture origin, Jesus’ relationship to fame and the lost art of contentment.