The disciples needed to see with their hearts, and then they would have seen the infinite riches of God poured out for them.

The disciples needed to see with their hearts, and then they would have seen the infinite riches of God poured out for them.
Catholics throughout the world are praying for the Pontiff’s speedy recovery, following an alarming diagnosis.
Some of the teens I chat with say they love going out with friends, but feel conflicted about the peer pressure around sleepovers and parties.
Humming or singing to music stimulates the vagus nerve, which regulates stress responses and promotes relaxation.
It’s a journey where the peace of Christ can be the reliable guide, and feelings a gift, given in kindness.
Some kids have a bit of a decompression, Collett says, encouraging parents to: “set the temperature at home.”
Without knowing anything about these South American events, this tale was compelling as it unfolds in the subtle nuances of a family’s life.
I can’t help but feel let down by the church at times. I wish there was more done to include people who are neurodiverse.
I realised that just being casual, honest and authentic took the pressure off. I could be obedient to the Holy Spirit.