I kissed a lot of boys as a teenager. lWhy did I wait for marriage to have sex? Was it worth it and did it actually benefit my marriage? My answers may surprise you.
Wanting to help Africa’s young people thrive and fulfill their God-given purpose, African Enterprise established the Foxfires Youth Program.
It may sound strange, after all isn’t optimism a godlier attitude than it’s polar opposite, pessimism? I don’t think it’s that simple.
As Valentine’s Day approaches, experts are encouraging singles who may feel vulnerable to tough emotions, to look after themselves well.
We have more stuff, but we’re less satisfied. More facebook friends, but less genuine ones. More “success”, yet more discontentment with our “real” life.
A quick and easy dessert for busy people, this delightfully rich chocolate mousse only takes 10 minutes to make!
If anything’s to be learned from On the Basis of Sex, it’s that change can be fought for with class and dignity.
Flowers, chocolate, cards, gifts, dinner reservations — is this really the meaning of Valentine’s Day?
“We’ve found it doesn’t really matter what the claim is about, as long as there is a related photograph with it, it will nudge people toward believing it”.
There is only one solution for a hurting heart. It’s not an easy or fast cure, but it’s a certain one.