Author: Alex Cook | Wealth with Purpose.
Jesus himself said in Matthew [6:24] “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”
Is not money a good thing? Isn’t it important?
Indeed, money is essential. In fact, we cannot live without it. We work hard to earn money. Money is our medium of exchange for goods and services. We need money. It is a gift from God and means of His provision for us. Jesus wants to prosper us in every way. But why did He say that we could not serve God and money at the same time?

Many Bible characters who God called for great things wandered from the faith because they loved money. Consider the life of Judas. He was a disciple but he traded his relationship with Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, and there were many more like him who fell into the trap and were ruined.
Money, or the love of it, can take the place of God in our hearts. It can become an idol that can ruin our relationship with God. If we become consumed with earning, gaining and spending money, we are serving it instead of God.
Are we spending too much time worrying about money? Are we allowing ourselves to be used by God to bless others and advance His Kingdom through our finances or are we turning down opportunities to give? Are we faithful in giving our tithes or do we keep the money instead and use it for other things? Are we cheerful in giving? Does the way we spend money glorify God?
In our world that is infiltrated by greed, people will do anything for the love of money. Some are dishonest in business transactions, some disregard relationships causing families to be torn, corrupt government officials misspend and gain from their constituents’ taxes, some threaten and kill. These things happen because people have chosen to serve money instead of God.
The One true God and the god of money cannot co-exist in our hearts and in our lives. They are irreconcilably opposed to each other. Which one will you allow to take control over your life? Is it God or money? God is able to provide you with all that you need, while the love of money will only lead to destruction and misery.
The Bible reminds us in 1 Timothy 6:6 that, “Godliness with contentment is great gain. We brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.”
Choose wisely the one you want to serve.
This article was written by Alex Cook who is a financial advisor and founder of Wealth with Purpose, which aims to help God’s people make money and live generously with it.

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