Although history has not always shown it, Jesus, Paul & the author of Genesis were all Christian feminists – advocating the full equality of women & men.
Tag: tania harris
As we celebrate Valentine’s Day this week, what is it about the bride and groom metaphor described in the Bible that we can learn from when we think of our relationship with God and the conversations we have with him?
Every situation is different but here are three possibilities to consider as to why you’re experiencing God’s silence and what to do about them.
The God Conversations of Christmas: What If Joseph Had Dismissed His Dream as Just the Spicy Pizza?”
God speaks repeatedly throughout the Christmas story. But what if the people hadn’t listened? What if they hadn’t followed?
This story – perhaps one you haven’t heard – reminds us that even on our worst days, generosity has the power to open up our world.
It’s been said, “A dream uninterpreted is a letter unopened”. God may have spoken, but you haven’t noticed. Here’s 5 steps to understanding your dream.
God has a dream for each one of us, not a product of wishful thinking or misplaced illusions, but one that will match who we are and how we’re made.
Author: Tania Harris | God Conversations. “So God told you to leave your husband?” “Yes”…
Author: Tania Harris | God Conversations. When I was in high school, I was nominated…
Author: Tania Harris | God Conversations. One of the reasons we struggle to hear God…