A sudden health scare has cast a shadow over Christian metal band Stryper and its current world tour, as long-time guitarist Oz Fox faces a diagnosis of brain tumours.
Tag: Music
When Stryper first exploded onto the music scene in 1983 in all their vinyl-and-big-hair glory, they baffled believers and metal fans alike.
It’s huge, anthemic and infectious, and it’s got a music video that jumps from the screen like an explosion in a paint factory.
One quarter of the pop group, Human Nature is sharing a less choreographed side of himself and it brings his Christian faith into the spotlight.
When he sings, “Had my first kiss on a Friday night, I don’t reckon I did it right”; we reminisce, “Me too!”. That’s Ed Sheeran’s charm. He’s one of us.
In a time when the entertainment industry is one of society’s biggest influencers, it’s no small thing that the name of Jesus is being recognised, and even celebrated.
Emma Mullings’ new single ‘Here and Now’ is a sophisticated electro-pop track, reflecting a time in her life when she needed God to step in and rescue her.
In a world that tells us we are free to do whatever we want, Dua Lipa’s song, New Rules shows us there is more freedom in not doing what we want.
The creators of new faith-based movie, The Star have assembled a soundtrack from a bevy of music superstars befitting of the cast’s blockbuster pedigree.