Despite being labelled as ‘dumb money’ by the industry, this one man brought about a revolution that changed how the stock market operates.
Tag: Movies
Kenneth Branagh’s Hercule Poirot ventures into the canals of Venice with a reimagined depiction of Christie’s 1969 novel Hallowe’en Party.
I saw The Sound of Freedom owith my wife, Sarah, and it was a movie that touched the deepest parts of my soul.
Vin Diesel and his buddies look great, flex their muscles, and drive fast cars. But critics of Fast-X complain that there’s no story…
Quirky love stories have fallen out of favour and primarily find their existence on streaming services… enter, Hapipiness for Beginners.
The director’s frenetic pace takes this movie’s audience on the journey from Blackberry’s inception to its euphoric heights and its demise.
Alejandro Monteverde’s ‘Sound of Freedom’ is top-quality artistry that has captured the world’s attention in unprecedented fashion.
A movie 20 years in the making, The Miracle Club paints a portrait of friendship, faith, and the power of forgiveness.
In Australian cinemas on August 16, for one night only, The Hiding Place speaks into our uncertain times with a timeless message of faith.
Not to spoil anyone’s fun or love of film, this is a discussion to challenge people to think deeper about which movies they will watch.