It took three years, but it was worth the wait for this revisiting of the classic Tom Cruise film, writes Reel Dialogue film critic Russ Matthews.
Tag: Movie Reviews
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is a delightfully goofy flick; with Schwartz’s performance bringing just as much fun as he did in the first film, writes Oli Phillips.
The Crawley family come from generations of wealth, tradition, and a certain confidence, which may or may not resonate with today’s audience.
Mark Wahlberg has been trying to get the true story of Father Stu to theatres for years. His dream is now a reality as the story comes to life in cinemas.
Nicolas Cage stars in a send-up of his own life, walking a fine line between parody, narcissism and the persona he has established throughout his career.
In a world where humans and animals coexist, a legendary group of criminals collectively called ‘The Bad Guys’ roams the streets. Russ Matthews reviews.
With three Oscars, the heartwarming CODA has taken the world by surprise, giving us an insight into the lives of Children of Deaf Adults.