Love goes through phases and stages, and you don’t always have that fluttery feeling, but that doesn’t mean that love’s not there.
Tag: marriage
My constant prayer is that our earthly marriage will end by death or by Jesus’ return, marriages end for so many reasons other than those two things.
Even if we’re practicing good habits regularly, it is easy to derail our relationship by succumbing to bad ones. The good news is there are solutions.
I have seen a similar pattern in healthy Christian marriages: they are intentional with relationship habits that anyone can apply.
For couples, it seems falling on the couch, or sitting on our phones is just SO much easier than to engage but to keep the spark alive it’s worth it!
Are you and your husband stuck in the same ol’ same ol’ boring routine? Why not take some steps to make your marriage fun again?
Sometimes I ignore my husband.There, I said it. But before you jump to conclusions, allow me to clarify–it’s not for the reason you probably think.
If you aren’t having regular date nights with your spouse, what is stopping you? Why not try one of these 24 fun and cheap date night ideas?
How long has it been since you and your spouse set aside alllll of the many distractions and just talked about life?
You’re running low on sleep, you’ve got several people pulling you in all different directions and you just want to nap… is romance even possible? Yes!