I wonder what could be achieved if we were willing to respond when the timing of God disrupts our lives, instead of waiting for when it’s convenient for us.
Tag: hearing from god
For Aussie farmer Jarrod, it was a dream that ended up being the difference between delcaring bankruptcy and keeping his farm.
I looked up and around the room and thought I was going crazy. I had heard God’s voice. Was I imagining it? No; I had just heard it.
Three tests can be seen in Peter’s experience, giving us a clear example to follow when it comes to recognising the voice of God.
Most often when I hear advice on the key to hearing God’s voice, it points to the need to get away and find a place to “quieten your heart”.
We expect to see God in beauty, praise, and joy. We expect to see God in light. But what happens when all we see is darkness?
In the story of Gideon, we see a God who knows our struggle with doubt and even anticipates our questions: how do we know a message is from God?
If this young couple had never given attention to a divinely-inspired dream, we would not be celebrating Christmas the way we do today.
Every situation is different but here are three possibilities to consider as to why you’re experiencing God’s silence and what to do about them.
Author: Tania Harris | God Conversations I’ve always wanted to hear the audible voice of…