In life, if you don’t choose your leader, you’re going to be led. But Jesus will never force his leadership onto you. You have to choose him.
Tag: good news unlimited
The Pharisees often criticised Jesus for celebrating too much, for finding reasons to enjoy life with others, writes Eliezer Gonzalez.
Your dark tunnel may be a period of depression, a time of mourning, or a season where nothing seems to go right…
We all like to feel powerful. No-one likes to be weak, right? But what if power doesn’t look like we think it does? What if we’ve got it all wrong?
There are still wars and strife all over the world. So does this mean that Jesus failed in his mission to transform humanity?
Often we want to be lilke a mighty tree… but Jesus teaches us that the path to greatness is the path of the tiny mustard seed.
Who made God? The short answer, is of course, that no-one made God. God is himself the maker and original cause of all that exists…
Trusting in the Lord means to abandon our own understanding of the way things are or should be, and to surrender to him.
When the outcomes we want are out of reach, we can get frustrated. Yet, God teaches us to trust and to leave the outcomes to him.
Peter neglected prayer at starting upon his venturous journey, but when he began to sink his cry was not too late.