The main gift God offers to all at Christmas, is the Gospel, the good news of heaven’s willing bankruptcy of itself that we might live.
Tag: gifts
Attorney-General Shannon Fentiman has encouraged anyone thinking of buying their mum a Mother’s Day gift to remember their consumer rights.
Here are 12 Christmas gift ideas to give back to the community and make a world of difference in the life of someone you don’t even know.
It can be difficult to know what to buy, and in our latest research we find which gifts Aussies are most hoping for this year … and the worst ones too!
Emmy recently started utilising her creative outlet, producing beautifully unique hand-crafted gifts in order to give greater gifts to those in need.
On a recent flight to India, the Flight Attendant heard about their journey and wanted to contribute with whatever gifts she could find on-board the plane for the Children.
In both of these, the Good King can be celebrated. In both the gift and the dirt cup, we can point to the goodness that comes from the Good King.