Founder of “Fathering Adventures”, Darren Lewis discusses how a father can best help his son transition into manhood… in a healthy way.
Tag: focus on the family
Listen to one woman’s dramatic rollercoaster story of leaving her husband to find “Mr. Right” — and finding God in the process!
Here’s some insight and experience regarding what to do if you – or someone you know – is in an abusive relationship and experiencing domestic violence.
More than ever, teen girls and young women face an onslaught of media and advertising that sells a certain beauty standard. Its time to “unplug”.
Dr. Gary Chapman discusses emotions and actions of winter, spring, summer and autumn marriages, and how couples can make the most of these seasons.
Practical help and encouragement for your family to gather at dinner time and dialogue with your kids about spiritual matters.
Dr. Emerson Eggerichs explains how men and women can end a disagreement gracefully, and find common ground through mutual respect.
Why it is important to have ongoing mentors in your life, as well as being a mentor to someone who can use what you have.
Sally Graham shares the remarkable way that God intervened in her life and how she has gone from drugs and prison cells to becoming a counsellor.
If you’re already grieving, this is a tough time to do extra work – the work of learning how to help your children grieve well.