When he was tempted in the wilderness, Jesus knew that the only kingdom worth having is the kingdom that God has promised to give you.
Tag: eliezer gonzalez
You were made for life, and with all the good things that it brings. That’s why Jesus has gone to prepare a place for you in heaven.
Many religious systems in the world start from the premise that God is far away and remains high above or that they can earn closeness to God.
When you don’t have real love in your life, you try to replace it with other things that appear to satisfy, but in the end, they always let us down.
Perhaps influential people aren’t the most influential people in the world. Perhaps the most influential people in the world were their parents.
The historical record of Abraham’s life doesn’t seem to point to him as a man of great faith, but instead as a man of a weak and doubting faith.
If you’re living an autopilot kind of life, you get the control of your life back and grow to become the person you were created to be.
While cosmetic makeovers can only change a person on an external level, only Jesus can change your heart. Jesus can give you a soul makeover.
A rich and satisfying life doesn’t come from spending hours endlessly scrolling through social media. It comes through knowing Jesus.
In ancient times, flatbreads were baked by placing them in the fire. First on one side, and then the “cake” was turned to cook the other side.