The story of Peter and Cornelius challenges us to re-evaluate our prejudices and barriers, writes Eliezer Gonzalez.
Tag: eliezer gonzalez
Which plans have you had in your life, which God has frustrated? Search your heart. Do you resent it or do you truly submit to his will?
This transformation of our mind is a significant theme through the letters of the apostle Paul. He calls us to have the “mind of Christ.”
In this verse of Romans, the apostle reveals a vital spiritual principle: God can fill you with all joy and all peace.
Pause a moment in the festivities of Christmas Day, and remember that we have already received the perfect gift.
The main gift God offers to all at Christmas, is the Gospel, the good news of heaven’s willing bankruptcy of itself that we might live.
Paul is referring to those who are weak because they insist on certain religious principles – ones that are voided by our liberty in Christ.
The individualistic, modern understanding of what it means to be a ‘private’ Christian is not Biblical, writes Eliezer Gonzalez.
There are still wars and strife all over the world. So does this mean that Jesus failed in his mission to transform humanity?
Often we want to be lilke a mighty tree… but Jesus teaches us that the path to greatness is the path of the tiny mustard seed.