“This church thing, it’s just not working for me,” said my friend. It wasn’t the first time I had heard this.
Tag: church
‘Do you want this coffee?’, my mum asked. Little did she know that in that one sentence and gesture, she was affirming my faith.
“If there’s stigma and shame around mental health, they’re not going to talk to the church… they’ll think we’re going to judge them.”
Approximately 35 per cent of pastors had “seriously considered” quitting, according to research from clinical psychologist Valerie Ling.
Mobile Mission Maintenance works on churches and other buildings used for Christian outreach, relieving ministers of this work.
The internet has made it easier to get resources into the hands of every young person if they’ve got a smartphone.
Research shows that 40 percent of Australians would say yes if they were invited to church at Easter time.
Who would want a church full of AI ‘synths’ when you can have one full of humans, writes Stephen McAlpine.
Perhaps there is a new category of church that could be imagined – for want of a better name, “church-lite”. Brian Harris reflects.
Despite the challenges of the ongoing war in Ukraine, FEBC is finding unique ways to reach more people with a message of hope.