While it was fascinating to hear Lorde pontificate on the state of the world, our real Lord delivers a very different gospel, writes Akos Balogh.
Tag: Akos Balogh
Questions our culture struggles to answer – as they raise the uncomfortable idea that the secular view of life just doesn’t fit reality.
Christian author Brian Rosner’s caricature of the Lord’s Prayer, sums up our culture’s obsession with Authenticity.
The world came to a screeching halt when Queen Elizabeth died. And her funeral was probably the most watched event in human history thus far.
A suburban pastor organised a rally on religious freedom, then was invited to talk to the Shadow Attorney-General. Yet he doesn’t see himself as political.
Questions are being raised about the impact of the sexual revolution on girls and women… questions that resonate with the Bible’s view of sex.
Listen to the media, and you might conclude most Australians are hostile to Christianity. But the National Church Life Survey paints a different picture.
While many secular commentators are happy to see the church in decline, there may come a day when they’ll yearn for the days of Christianity’s influence.
Modern psychology affirms the importance of ‘looking up’, or having a spirituality of one form or another, to find our identity, writes Akos Balogh.
You Do You’: it’s about finding your purpose and identity within. But it’s led to more narcissism and a growing mental health crisis, writes Akos Balogh.