Considering the pros and cons of AI from a Christian perspective allows us to navigate its impact with wisdom and discernment.
Tag: AI
Films about artificial intelligence usually involve great battles and computer-generated creations. Not so, in the Garth Davis film ‘Foe’.
Dr Catriona Wallace, journalist Tracey Spicer and Elladex CEO Shivani Gopal on how gender inequity could be exacerbated by machine learning.
AI is already serving us across many arenas of life, from serving as a round-the-clock doctor to keeping online customers happy.
The tides are changing in the world of recruitment, as the impact of AI and the post-pandemic workplace shifts continue to proliferate.
The trend of high-tech customer personalisation has worked its way into the health and nutrition fields, writes futurist Michael McQueen.
One of the industries where tech innovation is hitting the ground most effectively is agriculture, writes Michael McQueen.
How do we make sense of the changes AI is bringing? What principles can we use to think through what we adopt and how we adopt it?
As we step back and think about what’s going on with digital technology – including AI – there’s a few keys Christians need to consider.
As we continue to develop and use artificial intelligence, we must consider the ethical implications of robotic systems making moral choices.