How much impact can faith and friendship have on your marriage? Hear how these things can help a couple through serious life challenges.
Dr. David Clark addresses some of the reasons why men and women struggle in their communication and how to better navigate conflict.
Author of ‘The Kindness Challenge’, Shaunti Feldhahn unpacks three simple steps to improving your relationships through kindness.
By: Ted Cunningham | Focus On The Family We all deal with difficult relationships. When…
We see a lot of TV programs and movies these days that show the start of romantic relationships. But not many of those are about keeping the romance alive once it has begun.
Building trust in the relationship to handling discipline to offering forgiveness, this is some encouragement for women that hold the role of stepmum.
Right now, small is big. Minimalism is popular everywhere: tiny houses, 30-item wardrobes, basic food…
Tim Sisarich from New Zealand was asked by “Focus on the Family” to travel the…
Laura Story is probably best known for her contributions in contemporary Christian music. However behind her…
If someone you know has been acting a bit “off”, and you’re starting to get…