Sometimes ignorance causes us to hurt when we simply want to help. Four tips for how friends and families can help a loved one who is self harming.
Consider that in 2000, the average adult’s attention span was 12 seconds. It has dropped by 33% since then, to 8 seconds. Use these strategies that lead to lasting relationships, and people will give you a window.
When we take an honest look at the life of Jesus, what do we see? Do we see a detached, impersonal Messiah who opposed being seen with sinners and tax collectors? Or do we see the most compassionate example of leadership ever modelled.
‘Who can you call in the middle of the night when everything has gone wrong?’ How many of my friendships were that strong I could feel OK imposing on them at such an hour?
“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you”. Maybe it’s time to let go of your right to be offended.
One of the most surprising findings of my PhD studies is that a significant number of interviewees testified to hearing God’s voice about a future marriage partner.
Holding onto the big V until marriage is kind of ridiculous in our sexually saturated culture. 10 virgins were asked WHY and their answers will shock you.
True gentleness is powerful – the kind of power that is respectful yet free to disagree. It does not return an insult for an insult but speaks the truth even if it’s unpleasant.
Katherine nearly died, but Jay remained by her side during the next two years of recovery. The dramatic story of a young couple who survived a stroke, kept their marriage strong, and now offer hope to others!
How far is too far? That’s the number one question on the minds of Christian teenagers all over the planet. They want to know what they can touch, taste, and caress (pre-marriage) before God gets mad at them or they end up feeling guilty.