“A lot of these mums I have known for a few years; I have tried to build a relationship with them, but it never seems to go anywhere”
Sometimes I ignore my husband.There, I said it. But before you jump to conclusions, allow me to clarify–it’s not for the reason you probably think.
If you aren’t having regular date nights with your spouse, what is stopping you? Why not try one of these 24 fun and cheap date night ideas?
A lot of times people don’t help because they don’t know what to say when someone is going through a tough time. Here are 6 ways to care for them.
How long has it been since you and your spouse set aside alllll of the many distractions and just talked about life?
You’re running low on sleep, you’ve got several people pulling you in all different directions and you just want to nap… is romance even possible? Yes!
I do believe it is possible to grow in faith while still married to an unbeliever…, and here’s how.
Whilst you may have some expectations of how you’d like your husband to lead spiritually, have you stopped to consider what the Bible actually requires?
Although you’ll never be completely ready for marriage here are five “travel essentials” that will equip you for the marriage journey!
How late can the kids stay up on a school night? How much junk food are they allowed on weekends? What type of discipline should they receive?