I’ve discovered the world has two types of people. Realising that some people are relational and others are tasky, helped me to be a better friend.
As the day closed I looked on as those around me returned home; mothers, tradesmen, students, businessmen and grandmas. All with their own lives.
“We haven’t got everything right,” I said, “But our church community has been amazing at helping people and being a family.”
My constant prayer is that our earthly marriage will end by death or by Jesus’ return, marriages end for so many reasons other than those two things.
As a result of his wartime experiences, Dad had a thing about speed, machines and death. And he over-compensated in a lovely kind of way.
We recently had Father’s Day, and it’s a pretty fun day, according to all the TV ads. Reality check? Being a dad isn’t easy.
A rite of passage is vital for helping introduce men into what it is to be a man, according to Richard Fay, CEO of Centre for Men and Families Australia.
According to the World Health Organisation, one in four of the world’s population will suffer from a mental health disorder at some stage of their life.
Talking to someone about their relationship with their dad isn’t an easy conversation, and not one you have too often.
Even if we’re practicing good habits regularly, it is easy to derail our relationship by succumbing to bad ones. The good news is there are solutions.