While social-distancing measures are designed to preserve our wellbeing, they can also erode the mental health of the older population.
What young people everywhere have in common is the need for love – in some ways, they crave it as much as (or even more than) basic needs like food.
Girls need to know that arguing doesn’t have to be the end of a friendship, but that squabbling can be vital to help learn respectful conflict resolution.
Love goes through phases and stages, and you don’t always have that fluttery feeling, but that doesn’t mean that love’s not there.
On the eve of their sell-out Australian tour, Rend Collective’s Gareth Gilkeson opened up about being one of the last to be chosen as a Child Sponsor.
We can’t just sit around and hope to magically have this strong faith and trust. If you want a better relationship with God, you have to take action.
I’ve discovered the world has two types of people. Realising that some people are relational and others are tasky, helped me to be a better friend.
As the day closed I looked on as those around me returned home; mothers, tradesmen, students, businessmen and grandmas. All with their own lives.
“We haven’t got everything right,” I said, “But our church community has been amazing at helping people and being a family.”
My constant prayer is that our earthly marriage will end by death or by Jesus’ return, marriages end for so many reasons other than those two things.