If I could stand face to face with my 16-year-old self I would have a lot to tell her. She probably wouldn’t listen but I’ll say it anyway!
Every day, in any number of situations, our children are looking for clues about our character, watching to see if our actions line up with our words.
Dr Pat’s scientifically-informed and Bible-based approach has been helping parents with some of the most common concerns and questions they face.
In the Wall Street Journal, a well known and respected author and Psychoanalyst wrote a piece entitled ‘Don’t believe in God? Lie to your children’.
Should we as parents accept the inevitability of losing connection with our kids when they become teens, or can we dare to hope for something better?
Here’s how parents can maintain healthy conversations with their teens, taken from the book, They’ll Be Okay written by psychologist, Collett Smart.
Just because your child does not mention it, does not mean they have not been exposed. Here’s some tips when starting a conversation.
Your body is changing, your voice is sounding different, and your brain is struggling to keep up. I’ve been thinking about some things you should know.
A father’s role is critical in helping his daughter navigate the uncertainties of adolescence. Here are 4 insights for dads.
Take a deep breath and quit comparing…even to your own expectations! You don’t have to be flawless to be the mum that your children need.