Should we as parents accept the inevitability of losing connection with our kids when they become teens, or can we dare to hope for something better?
Here’s how parents can maintain healthy conversations with their teens, taken from the book, They’ll Be Okay written by psychologist, Collett Smart.
Just because your child does not mention it, does not mean they have not been exposed. Here’s some tips when starting a conversation.
Your body is changing, your voice is sounding different, and your brain is struggling to keep up. I’ve been thinking about some things you should know.
A father’s role is critical in helping his daughter navigate the uncertainties of adolescence. Here are 4 insights for dads.
Take a deep breath and quit comparing…even to your own expectations! You don’t have to be flawless to be the mum that your children need.
What do you do when you get to the point of complete exhaustion? Don’t ignore the signs of overtiredness, here are 17 tips to recover quickly.
Those in their final year of school are stressed and feel as though their wings have been clipped. Here’s what they need from us.
Four practical tips you can use to help young people resist the ‘for us or against us’ dichotomies and instead, engage in respectful, healthy disagreement.
These physical and behavioural signs could suggest that your child is anxious about returning to school, and here’s how you can support them.