“Sometimes, I still cannot believe that a surgery, which was over so quick, turned things around for our family… for Joanna.”
“As a parent, I feel the weight of responsibility for providing for my young family… that miracle moment is something that I’ve never forgotten.”
More than two in five Aussies have experienced fewer colds and flus since social distancing and hygiene practices were introduced compared to last year.
At 10 years of age, Joy became a victim of cybersex in the Philippines after her mother moved overseas for work and left her in the care of her grandmother.
In a video posted on Facebook and Instagram, John Crist thanks his fans for their support during his recovery, and admits his failure and deep hypocrisy.
Instruments for the Outback is a program helping indigenous kids in remote parts of Australia to learn to play and record music.
African Enterprise is reaching out to communities with the love of Jesus, knowing that no mask can silence the Gospel and its eternal hope for this nation.
The latest migration data reveals Australia is increasingly culturally diverse with three in ten Australians born overseas according to the ABS.
Keller is the founder of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, and author of many books on apologetics and the Christian faith.
On Sunday June 7, The Blessing Australia video was released featuring the voices and instruments of musicians in over 300 churches from multiple denominations.