I have a friend who reminds me that bravery is not fearlessly stepping into every opportunity. It is about being scared and doing it anyway…
The Tim Tam Cheesecake showpieces everything that’s good about humanity. As a species, we know how to take a good thing, and make it even better.
Every situation is different but here are three possibilities to consider as to why you’re experiencing God’s silence and what to do about them.
One of the biggest threats to the church in in Australia, is a lukewarm faith. There’s so much we can learn from persecuted believers who’ve stood firm.
Jesus invites us to start making God’s dream a reality now—his kingdom coming ‘on earth as it is in heaven’. It’s a dream we can all find a place in.
Learning to ignore distraction and ‘circle up’ is essential to finding perspective and peace, and being able to focus on what is really important.
After the question the Dalai Lama gazed at the ground for some time, gave one of his customary chuckles, then said, “The precise answer is… I don’t know.”
It’s not my role to tell [Justin] what to do. He’s going to do what he’s going to do and I’m going to sit there and say, ‘I’m with you’.
You been caught nodding and saying “Yep, Amen,” when you’re uni lecturer makes a good point.Sound right? You probably grew up Pentecostal.
Eternity. It’s a word that has captivated people since it mysteriously started appearing in yellow chalk on Sydney’s footpaths in the 1930s.