Without any warning, I felt it: A blanket of emotions – depressive, suffocating – descended on me. Taunting me. Whispering to my soul. Making me feel things I had rarely felt before.
Why is it that something as good as a Magnum ice-cream is associated with sin? Why is it that pleasure is often associated with evil?
In the Middle East, the foot is considered the most shameful part of the body. So what does it tell us that Jesus had no problem with washing his disciples’ feet, a job only fit for a slave?
He makes a whip out of rope and starts driving out the animals on sale for sacrifice. ‘Meek and mild’ Jesus is being neither meek nor mild.
She was a little lady, seemingly unimportant to others. There was nothing outstanding about her at first glance, but she was a leader through and through.
I wanted to stay in my bed and not move one inch. But not moving means not healing, and being still means staying sick. So move I did, and the healing came.
I can believe He has a plan, but in the waiting for the plan to materialise, I can struggle to trust that He hasn’t forgotten me.
How do we know God’s will? Making decisions as a Christian is a partnership between God & ourselves. Sometimes it’s supernatural and sometimes it’s natural.
Society tells us that we should accumulate “stuff” throughout our lives. However if that is the goal, then we have misunderstood the meaning of life and our purpose in this world.
You know what gagging is, right? It’s that awful, violent feeling just before you throw up. This isn’t something nice to even write about!