Walking with God is a both/and journey. We can be both scared and stepping forward into the unknown.
Superstar singer and actor Michelle Williams, former member of Destiny’s Child, is not one to be shy about her faith in Jesus.
Do you ever feel like the responsibilities are too big, the challenges are too big, and what others expect of you is too big?
If we can all hear God’s voice for ourselves, do we still need to go to church?
In her new book ‘Unexpected’, Christine shares how cancer and other life experiences have taught her to leave fear behind and step into God’s plan.
The question of evil is possibly one of the most common barriers to people coming into a relationship with God.
Some people start on Honour Island, but most of us start on either Average or Shame Island. Average Island is where the majority of the population dwells.
We can run the risk of making a day of rest just another thing to tick off the list. This was never the intention of God.
If this young couple had never given attention to a divinely-inspired dream, we would not be celebrating Christmas the way we do today.
It takes a lot of faith to see the troubles and setbacks of life as an opportunity for God to bless you in another way, and Jesus did it.