In life, if you don’t choose your leader, you’re going to be led. But Jesus will never force his leadership onto you. You have to choose him.
Christian Teaching
Have you ever pondered verse 3 of Psalm 23? “He guides me along the right paths for his names sake.” God has a reputation!
I love the idea behind being “called”. It makes a radical difference to the way we are invited to live life.
The Pharisees often criticised Jesus for celebrating too much, for finding reasons to enjoy life with others, writes Eliezer Gonzalez.
God, through his son Jesus Christ, has given his life for yours. How could he ever change his mind on his love for you?
Your dark tunnel may be a period of depression, a time of mourning, or a season where nothing seems to go right…
Frederick Buechner invites us to put frames around little moments of our life, and then stop, look, and listen to what they are saying to us.
God has the power to establish us in the Gospel. This means to fix our minds on, and make us stable in the Gospel.
Progress in life is most often found through little victories, and it is their cumulative impact that makes the difference.
Considering the pros and cons of AI from a Christian perspective allows us to navigate its impact with wisdom and discernment.