This transformation of our mind is a significant theme through the letters of the apostle Paul. He calls us to have the “mind of Christ.”
Christian Teaching
If you want to be like Jesus, ask questions. The kind of questions Jesus asks in the gospels are fascinating and penetrating.
The main gift God offers to all at Christmas, is the Gospel, the good news of heaven’s willing bankruptcy of itself that we might live.
Have you noticed how much of the Christmas story hinges on God’s conversations with the key characters and how they responded?
Until that first Christmas people had a sneaking suspicion that God was ‘for’ us, but after Christmas they knew – God is actually ‘with’ us.
If you want to share your faith in Jesus, the first step is to understand that it needs to come from a place of relationship with Him.
Sunday Sabbath reminds us to start with God – and when you start with God, you write a very different story to the one you write without God.
Pastor and author Erwin McManus shares how the life of Jesus inspired his new book ‘Mind Shift: It Doesn’t Take a Genius to Think Like One’.
From the beginning, Heather had committed her relationship to God. She knew she must do what God had said.
The individualistic, modern understanding of what it means to be a ‘private’ Christian is not Biblical, writes Eliezer Gonzalez.