Jesus spoke a lot about being prepared for his return. Find out who He is, what He’s done, and what He’s going to do – so that you’re ready.
Christian Teaching
When God calls us to something, there is a fine dance between His part and ours. Ours might be the minor role, but we still need to play it.
The value of the perfume and the jar was more than a year’s wages. But she didn’t care. She broke it to pour the perfume on Christ’s head.
Brian Harris shares his “public agonising about a very much ‘in progress’ journey” towards radical honesty.
In our modern, fast-paced world, it can be hard to stop and see the joys of this world. Maybe this passage can challenge us to slow down…
I once had someone tell me that God will only help you if you’ve done everything you can do to help yourself. Really? Is that how it works?
In not answering the leaders of the Sanhedrin directly, Jesus was showing them how little authority they had compared to his.
Some people sit in that space where they are neither insider nor outsider. And it’s okay. There are so many benefits of being in this space.
There was a time when kids could play out in the street a lot later. Can we rebuild that society again?
Ah, the old effort, excellence, exclusion dilemma: your level of excellence didn’t meet the standard and you are excluded from participating.