We’re living in a society where we think our feelings are critical to our existence, and it’s all sorts of beliefs that shape us, writes Akos Balogh.
Christian Teaching
Our society tells us that our worth is based on jobs, relationships, or material ‘stuff’ you have. Christianity takes a very different view.
When he was tempted in the wilderness, Jesus knew that the only kingdom worth having is the kingdom that God has promised to give you.
‘Wintering’ is a word for those times when life turns cold, through crisis or loss, and we find ourselves living at a slower pace to everyone else.
Along with kindness and generosity, humility may be our most-cited quality of a good person. But it hasn’t always been considered a virtue.
The Lord’s Prayer is a summary of the four Gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are summed up in this prayer. But in reverse.
How fully do you think you are saved right now? Do you think you’re 50% saved? Or perhaps you think you’re doing very nicely, and you think you’re 80% saved
When we pray, we are usually talking to God. Telling God what we think we need. I doubt that many of us have heard God answering back.
According to Christ, the criteria for being a Christian was never total uniformity in doctrinal understanding or a perfect faith.
We were never meant to do life on our own and as God’s child, He promises his Spirit to help and to strengthen us when trouble threatens to steal our joy.