While it is useful to be knowledgeable, it is rather far more important to be wise, writes theological thinker Brian Harris.
Christian Teaching
Many hit movies are about the hero’s origins…. and we’re intrigued by our own origins, too, taking DNA tests to trace our ancestors. Why the fascination?
Vacuuming is boring. It’s indoors. But mowing the lawn is exciting. It’s outdoors. There’s danger! Context is everything.
In the Bible, Jesus says sin is being confident of your own righteousness and looking down on others is a sin. Does that make coffee snobbery, sinful?
Whether you are in a time of rejoicing or a time of suffering, you will always have a reason to rejoice, writes Dr Eliezer Gonzalez.
History is needed. Even our Christian history. It is needed in all its gore and glory. We learn from it, and we lean into the future secured by its weight.
Quiet quitting the Christian life is when people bear no fruit because of ‘the cares of the world’… or as we might put it today, “everyday life”.
The church needs to be made up of genuine disciples – even if the music is lousy, and the congregation a tad unusual, writes Brian Harris.
Your friends don’t need another world-changing evangelist, they need you—and talking to them about Jesus is easier than you might think.
We need to build Christian worship that complements both old and new, and is true… Worship cannot be aesthetics alone, writes Stephen McAlpine.